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Mary (Van Sickler) Jackson and William Jackson

William Jackson and Mary Van Sickler Jackson were both descendants of United Empire Loyalists from the Hudson Valley in New York State.   Known ancestors of William Jackson were as follows:

Hendric Jackson    Abt 1743 - Abt 1804
+ Sarah Clute   Abt 1784 - Abt 1802
Peter Jackson    Abt 1776 - Unknown
+ Hannah Shaver
   William Jackson    1802 - 1872
        +Mary Van Sickler    1806 - 1881





In the Historical Atlas of the County of Middlesex, Ontario published in 1878, William Jackson's son Nathaniel tells the following story about the family: (Note: originally written in third person.)

Of the pioneers of Ontario, none have shewn (sic) more patience, or contributed more to the improvement of the Province than the United Empire Loyalists and their descendants. In 1750 my great great grandfather who was a sea captain, settled in Pennsylvania where his son Peter (my great grandfather) accumulated a large property. After the war of Independence this though old loyalist abandoned his property to confiscation rather than forswear allegiance to the King he had served, and to the flag under which he had fought during the war. His son James, who was my grandfather, was also engaged during the war as a sturdy defender of the throne.

Father and son however, unhesitatingly left their possessions and emigrated to Canada, where they received grants of land in the Ottawa District. William, my father, settled on a lot north of Kingston, but finding the soil rocky and unproductive, he sold out and after a short time settled in what was then considered the "far west," but is now fitly termed the "Garden of Canada."

This was in 1851 and I was then only 15 years old but was possessed of a vigorous frame and a robust constitution.The family settled on Lot 21 Centre Road, West Williams, and in order to reach the lot we were obliged to chop a road two miles through the woods.  This was accomplished to a great extent by me as I was the only son old enough to work, and father (who died in 1872) was old and feeble and unable to render much aid in the heavy work of making roads or clearing the farm.

At that time, deer, wolves and bears were plentiful in West Williams and venison being easily procured was a common article of food with the early settlers.

(Nathaniel Jackson was born in the Township of Townsend, County of Norfolk on April 13th, 1836.)

There are errors in Nathaniel Jackson's account, probably because he was relating oral history.  There is no evidence that a Jackson was a sea captain living in Pennsylvania.  Perhaps this story may have originated from one of the female lines.  The exact location of the farm 'north of Kingston' is unknown. It may have been near what is now the village of Harrowsmith. Several of the Jackson family joined the move to Norfolk County, and many stayed in that area.  Abigail Jackson , daughter of Elijah Jackson, gained notoriety as the "Heroine of Long Point" because of her heroism in saving the victims of several ship wrecks.


Descendants of William Jackson and Mary Van Sickler


1     William Jackson     1802 - 1872
.        +Mary Van Sickler    1806 - 1881
..........    2     Silvester Jackson     1828 - Unknown
..........    2     Miriam Jackson     1830 - Unknown
..........    2     William Jackson     1831 - Unknown
..........    2     Eleanor Jackson     1834 - 1913
..............        +John Dawson     1830 - 1885
.......................    3     John Alexander Dawson     1859 - 1860
.......................    3     [1] Mary Eleanor Dawson    1859 - 1932
...........................        +Thomas Meadd     1859 - 1893
.......................        *2nd Husband of [1] Mary Eleanor Dawson:   
...........................        +George Clarke    
.......................    3     William Dawson     1860 - 1920
...........................        +(Minnie) Mary Euphemia Cameron    1869 - 1930
.......................    3     Ida Jeanette Dawson     1862 - 1929
...........................        +James Manfred Mackey    1860 - 1938
.......................    3     Margaret Christina Dawson    1864 - 1908
...........................        +William Huston Clark    1860 - 1943
.......................    3     Ann Morilla Dawson     1867 - 1927
...........................        +Stanley Edward English    1874 - 1932
..........    2     Nathaniel Jackson     1836 - Unknown
..............        +Emily Coulter     Abt. 1838 -
.......................    3     Hannah Jackson     1858 -
.......................    3     William Jackson     1859 -
..........    2     Mary Jackson    1839 - Unknown
..........    2     Hannah Jackson     1842 - Unknown
..........    2     William Henry Jackson     1843 - Unknown
..........    2     Adam Jackson    1845 - Unknown



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